How to use yafs libraries?

The yafs-lib is a generic library and it can't be used alone. It must be used with an implementation. Your own implementaiton or the availables: yafs-libFile and yafs-libFTP.

The following code uses yafs-libFile to simply synchronize two hierarchy of files on a file system. It uses the xiss-lib-file-1.3.1.jar library of Xiss web.

//initializing a synchronizer
Synchronizer sync = new Synchronizer();
sync.setHierarchyVisitorFactory(new FileHierarchyVisitorFactory());
sync.setToSyncCheckerFactory(new FileToSyncCheckerFactory());
sync.setSyncActionPerformerFactory(new FileSyncActionPerformerFactory());

File srcDir;
File trgDir;
//choose source and target directories
Source s = new Source(srcDir.toURI());
Target t = new Target(trgDir.toURI());

try {
    if (sync.getActionCount() != 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {

It is possible to stnchronize a hierarchy of files from a file system to a FTP server. For this yafs-libFile and yafs-libFTP are necessary. The yafs-libFTP-1.0.1.jar uses commons-net-2.2.jar Apache's library.

//initializing a synchronizer
Synchronizer sync = new Synchronizer();
sync.setHierarchyVisitorFactory(new FileHierarchyVisitorFactory());
sync.setToSyncCheckerFactory(new FTPToSyncCheckerFactory());
sync.setSyncActionPerformerFactory(new FileToFTPSyncActionPerformerFactory());

File srcDir;
//choose source directory

FTPLocation trgDir;
//choose the FTP server and directory in an account
trgDir.setHost(...        // FTP server host
trgDir.setPort(...        // if the default port isn't used
trgDir.setAccountName(... // account on the FTP server
trgDir.setPath(...        // path to a directory, the default is the root ('/') of the account

Source s = new Source(srcDir.toURI());
Target t = new Target(trgDir.toURI());

String passwd = null;
// get the password of the account on the FTP server if necessary by any way

FTPContext context = new FTPContext(sync);
try {
    sync.buildHierarchy();            // build the hierarchy of file from file system
    context.checkToSync(passwd);      // check if sync actions are necessary
    if (context.getActionCount() != 0) {
        context.synchronize(passwd);  // synchronize files on the FTP server
} catch (IOException e) {

In the example above the connection to the FTP server is managed by the FTP context. At each step it opens a new connection to the FTP sever. It is possible to manage yoursef the FTP connection and pass the context of this connection to the synchronizer. The following code is an example to make the two last steps of synchronization in one connection.

Synchroniser sync = new Synchronizer();
After synchronizer intialization and the build of the hierarchy with a source
FTPLocation trgDir;
//choose the FTP server and directory in an account


// use directly the Apache's commons-net FTP client
FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
String passwd = null;
// get the password of the account on the FTP server if necessary by any way
try {
    ftpClient.connect(trgDir.getHost(), trgDir.getPort());

    int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode();
    if(!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
        System.out.println(" [INFO] Connection refused: "+ftpClient.getReplyString());
    System.out.println(" [INFO] Connected: "+ftpClient.getReplyString());
    System.out.println(" [INFO] login "+trgDir.getAccountName());
    boolean login = ftpClient.login(trgDir.getAccountName(), passwd);
    if (login) {
        System.out.println(" [INFO] Login succed!");
    } else {
        System.out.println(" [INFO] Login faild!");
    //create a FTPContext without a synchronizer
    FTPContext context = new FTPContext(null);
    //initialize the context with the FTPLocation object for the target and the FTPClient
    context.location = trgDir;
    context.client = ftpClient;
    //Set the context to the synchronizer

    if (sync.getActionCount() != 0) {
} catch (Exception e) {